IMAGES from UNDERScore Workshop 7th September 2013

On Saturday 7th September 2013 Penny Chivas led her and our first UNDERScore at KPC. The workshop sold out and the mood in the space was one of curious investigation. 

Next one is part of our Autumn Workshop Festival, details here:

Below are some images and examples of feedback...

Thanks to Brian Hartley for the images and poster design.

"I felt the group I was working with had been collectively introduced to a level of awareness that allowed and gave value to all moments, individually and collectively, that arise emotionally, physically, mentally as we shift through dynamic and powerful ecospheres (for want of a better word." 

"...its articulation of symbols opens up the awareness of opportunities to engage in a variety of ways – as with physical toolkits, over time familiarisation with the possibilities (score) can expand and deepen ones engagement and experience of CI.”

“I enjoyed the workshop, especially that the
structure was more offered than 
imposed upon oneself.”

“Excellent workshop J instruction very clear. Thank you.”

“The chocolate was a definite successful element!"